
Friday, March 16, 2012


My mind goes back in time. Of course I remember it. I’m pretty sure it might have been one of the scariest nights of my life. No, that’s not true. The scariest day of the my life was when I first saw Justin Bieber’s face on the front of a magazine. Creepy, I tell you!
Oh, right. We decided it was a brilliant idea to sleep outside of Ky’s house in a tent. We were fourteen and had just become friends. It was my first time sleeping over at her house, the first time we got together outside of school.
We were sitting in the tent, and I was working on teaching her American Sign Language. (Which, by the way, she is now fluent in, thanks to me.) At this point, we both had a crush on the neighbor boy, who we went to school with, Curt Haydn. Little did we know he was a trouble maker.
But he did know we liked him. How, you ask? Well, we may’ve sort-of flirted with him a whole lot. But we were only fourteen, so you gotta understand give us a break about that. . Actually, Ky has had many boyfriends since then, so give ME a break.
Well, he saw our flashlights in the back yard, because he was a stalker. Er, teenage boy. So there we were, sitting nice and quietly in our tent when we hear this growling sound. Our teenage minds tell us it is a bear. We were too scared to think rationally.
Another growl.
Then screams. Our own, of course.
Soon, the tent stars shaking and we grab onto each other, stand up, then run out of the tent only to find Curt standing there, laughing his head off. Okay, how weird of an expression is that? Can someone actually laugh so hard that their head falls out? ‘Cause if so, I better stop laughing right now.
“Of course I remember it.” I say, in a fit of giggles. “Looking back, it wasn’t that scary, but at the time, I was petrified. I never wanted to sleep out in your yard again.”
But truth be told, that became a summer ritual for us.

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